Year 2010 Winter Coats drive for WV
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your interest in the needy persons in Martinsburg. It is especially heartening to hear that you are encouraging the students to be concerned about the welfare of our less fortunate citizens this winter. Allow me to give you a brief introduction to our local charitable society through which donations are distributed.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international lay Catholic charitable organization present in 142 countries of the world. It is composed of ordinary men and women, 700,000 strong, who are devoted to caring for the needs of the poor.
Frederic Ozanam and six friends from the University of Paris founded the Society in 1833. Under his vision, the Society provides person-to-person service to those who are in need. The Society serves all persons regardless of race, color, creed or status. We make no distinction in those served. Each year, the members of our local chapter make hundreds of visits to alleviate the distress of the poor.
This year has been particularly difficult because of the many economic issues we face. Our Society depends completely on donations from generous benefactors. We would appreciate your help in providing winter coats and jackets for the children and for adults in need as the wintry weather continues.
Please feel free to contact me a ..........if you have any questions. Thank you for
all that you do to assist in the development of our young people.
Sister Elizabeth Ann Tonroe
Volunteer, St. Vincent de Paul Society
Year 2010 Thanksgiving Food baskets and turkeys delivery
A Letter from Sr. Mary Ann
Finally==here are two pictures of people receiving some of the wonder

Thanks so much for helping us with the needs of people in the Eastern Panhandle. Either Sr. Elizabeth Ann or I would me happy to pick up things as you have them. Yes, we can use non-perishable food--things like the mac and cheese mix, pork and beans, vienna sausages, soup, are always good. If the food is in large cans, it can be used for one of the meals that is planned for the people. Smaller cans can be given to people to prepare at home (or wherever they can).
Just let one of us know when things are available, and we'll work out a way to pick them up.
Thanks again, and God bless you!
Sr. Mary Ann
Sr. Mary Ann Azar, DC
Catholic Charities WV
Rural Outreach and Immigration Services
monthly donations delivery