Back-to-school history pictures:
Please click on the pictures to see Year 2007 back-to-school pictures
Please click on the pictuires to see Year 2008 back-to-school pictures
YEAR 2009 (2009年活動)
Dear Friends,
Time is really flying fast. It is almost one year ago that we were busy in selling the moon cakes for the 2009 back-to-school project fundraising…and we had made $506 in proceeds. Remember that?
We also helped the lady who lives in N. VA by selling the pears back in April. (To learn the full story). We had put away $400 as a reserved fund in case she needs it. The good news is that she has found a job and does not need the money after all. In return to everyone’s help, she donated the money toward the 2009 Back-to-School project also.
With these two funding sources, plus we also had a few dollars left over from previous donation, that gave us a total amount of $912.33 for the Back-to-School project this year.
Below is the summary report of the 2009 Back-to-School project:
This year we have worked with four charity organizations in DC, Baltimore MD, and Bethesda MD area and helped more than 100 students. Some of them are from the low-income families, some are living in the shelters, and some are homeless. All money is spent on the school supplies solely. Volunteers came together to give their time and gasoline for their car for purchasing, sorting, packaging and delivering these items to various locations. Whenever there are shortage in some items, volunteers donate willingly. For the details of school supplies purchased, receipts, pictures and donations, you can find them below.
Dear Friends,
Time is really flying fast. It is almost one year ago that we were busy in selling the moon cakes for the 2009 back-to-school project fundraising…and we had made $506 in proceeds. Remember that?
We also helped the lady who lives in N. VA by selling the pears back in April. (To learn the full story). We had put away $400 as a reserved fund in case she needs it. The good news is that she has found a job and does not need the money after all. In return to everyone’s help, she donated the money toward the 2009 Back-to-School project also.
With these two funding sources, plus we also had a few dollars left over from previous donation, that gave us a total amount of $912.33 for the Back-to-School project this year.
Below is the summary report of the 2009 Back-to-School project:
This year we have worked with four charity organizations in DC, Baltimore MD, and Bethesda MD area and helped more than 100 students. Some of them are from the low-income families, some are living in the shelters, and some are homeless. All money is spent on the school supplies solely. Volunteers came together to give their time and gasoline for their car for purchasing, sorting, packaging and delivering these items to various locations. Whenever there are shortage in some items, volunteers donate willingly. For the details of school supplies purchased, receipts, pictures and donations, you can find them below.
記得去年九月初我們為 2009 back-to-school project義賣的月餅嗎?當初我們賺了 $506 US.同時,在今年四月份的義賣水梨(故事的原委請見網頁),原先接受大家幫助的人,受到大家人飢己飢,人溺己溺無私奉獻的感召,在她找到工作後,將當初所剩的$400US,也捐出來做為2009 back-to-school 的基金.
再加上之前其它慈善活動所剩下的錢,本年度的 back-to-school的總基金是$912.33
今年我們一共與四個慈善單位合作,這四個慈善單位來自DC, Baltimore, MD and Bethsda, MD,這些文具幫助一百多位的學童,他們分別是來自DC低收入戶的家庭,有些住在僻護所,及一些流浪在街上的孩子們.所有協助採買及運送到各單位的義工的油錢及時間都是義工自行吸收, 依照我們大家當初的協定, $912.33 全數花在文具上面.當然,還有不足的部份,全由其它義工慷慨解囊.
記得去年九月初我們為 2009 back-to-school project義賣的月餅嗎?當初我們賺了 $506 US.同時,在今年四月份的義賣水梨(故事的原委請見網頁),原先接受大家幫助的人,受到大家人飢己飢,人溺己溺無私奉獻的感召,在她找到工作後,將當初所剩的$400US,也捐出來做為2009 back-to-school 的基金.
再加上之前其它慈善活動所剩下的錢,本年度的 back-to-school的總基金是$912.33
今年我們一共與四個慈善單位合作,這四個慈善單位來自DC, Baltimore, MD and Bethsda, MD,這些文具幫助一百多位的學童,他們分別是來自DC低收入戶的家庭,有些住在僻護所,及一些流浪在街上的孩子們.所有協助採買及運送到各單位的義工的油錢及時間都是義工自行吸收, 依照我們大家當初的協定, $912.33 全數花在文具上面.當然,還有不足的部份,全由其它義工慷慨解囊.
We spent $912.33 to buy the following items for Daughters of Charity, Providence Hospital in DC, The Salvation Army Booth House, the feeding meals program of the salvation army and The National Center for Children and Families
Backpacks : 65
scissors : 50
pencil box : 50
24 colors crayon : 50
12 colors colored pencils : 50
compass : 50
binder pouch : 50
4 oz washable school glue : 46
composition notebook : 107
150 pages notebook filler paper : 72
Pens : 660
pencils : 592
paper folder : 125
glue sticks-0.21oz : 41
eraser : 90
High-lighter : 84
16.3 oz skippy peanut butter : 8
26 oz Ragu spaghetti sauce : 12
16.5 oz hellmann's mayonnaise : 4
8.7oz ~ 12oz Cereal : 18
7.25 oz Macaroni & Cheese Dinner : 16
cup noodle : 4
The following items donated from volunteers: (義工捐贈的項目)
one-subject 70-sheet wide rule note books : 48
pencils : 48
mechanical pencils - 0.7mm : 24
ball-point pens - blue/black : 24
eraser : 1
1 set of dry erase board markers (green & red)
4 oz washable school glue : 7
10-color crayola markers : 2
glue sticks-0.21oz : 21
rulers : 64
binder-2" : 29
binder-1.5" : 19
binder-1" : 23
for Daughters of Charity, Providence Hospital in DC:
new socks: 15 pairs
Women Panties (L~ XL) :74 packs (5~6 cnt.)
for Low-income school in TAIWAN:
used books in English: 27
Please click on the pictures to see details for shopping receipts and Thank you letters
We spent $912.33 to buy the following items for Daughters of Charity, Providence Hospital in DC, The Salvation Army Booth House, the feeding meals program of the salvation army and The National Center for Children and Families
scissors : 50
pencil box : 50
24 colors crayon : 50
12 colors colored pencils : 50
compass : 50
binder pouch : 50
4 oz washable school glue : 46
composition notebook : 107
150 pages notebook filler paper : 72
Pens : 660
pencils : 592
paper folder : 125
glue sticks-0.21oz : 41
eraser : 90
High-lighter : 84
16.3 oz skippy peanut butter : 8
26 oz Ragu spaghetti sauce : 12
16.5 oz hellmann's mayonnaise : 4
8.7oz ~ 12oz Cereal : 18
7.25 oz Macaroni & Cheese Dinner : 16
cup noodle : 4
The following items donated from volunteers: (義工捐贈的項目)
one-subject 70-sheet wide rule note books : 48
pencils : 48
mechanical pencils - 0.7mm : 24
ball-point pens - blue/black : 24
eraser : 1
1 set of dry erase board markers (green & red)
4 oz washable school glue : 7
10-color crayola markers : 2
glue sticks-0.21oz : 21
rulers : 64
binder-2" : 29
binder-1.5" : 19
binder-1" : 23
for Daughters of Charity, Providence Hospital in DC:
new socks: 15 pairs
Women Panties (L~ XL) :74 packs (5~6 cnt.)
for Low-income school in TAIWAN:
used books in English: 27
Please click on the pictures to see details for shopping receipts and Thank you letters