We are very grateful for your interest in volunteering with the Community FoodBank of DC Area. Without the assistance and support of volunteers like you we would not be able to address the hunger problems faced in DC Area. Your time, effort and hard work mean a great deal to the families who struggle to put food on the table each week.
We are very grateful for your interest in volunteering with the Community FoodBank of DC Area. Without the assistance and support of volunteers like you we would not be able to address the hunger problems faced in DC Area. Your time, effort and hard work mean a great deal to the families who struggle to put food on the table each week.
Hans Buhrer 先生是每個月,固定為我們運送食物到華府郊區食物銀行的主要義工. The Seton Center是位於華府郊區的一個非營利組織,該區域大部份家庭的平均收入是在美國低收入戶的標準之下,該組織為該區民眾提供長期醫療,工作,學校及食物上的幫助.而我們只是微盡棉薄之力,長期協助該單位的食物銀行.
Mr. Hans Buhrer is one of our volunteers deliver foods to the Seton Center in Emmitsburg, MD monthly.
The Seton Center, Inc., is a nonprofit agency located in Emmitsburg, MD, that provides services for people in need, primarily in northern Frederick County. Many of the families they serve are working people living at or below the poverty level. Other medical services are provided within the framework of the core values of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul .
The Seton Center, Inc., is a nonprofit agency located in Emmitsburg, MD, that provides services for people in need, primarily in northern Frederick County. Many of the families they serve are working people living at or below the poverty level. Other medical services are provided within the framework of the core values of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul .
If you're interested to donate canned foods to this program, please contact Mrs. Mei-ling Flanders.
右圖為終身奉獻給該組織的修女瑪莉Sr. Mary of Seton Center, Emmistburg, MD