In the good cause of traction, the volunteer Ada T. and Mrs. Kris Kang, the principal's wife of The Yueming Elementary School, met by chance in the orphanage - The Home of God's Love.
After a long talk, the Evergreen Senior Care charity group agrees to team with the Yueming Elementary School, to help those most in need and also make this world to be a better place together.
The Yueming Elementary School is located in the countryside of Taiwan, and about 53% of kids in the school require help. This school is built to attain the "recycling resources" goal, which comprises policies such as "saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide", and "establishing environmental education"; they are to realize energy-saving and carbon dioxide reduction by recycling and reusing resources. Not only as education in school, saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide is also what students can use to exercise in their daily life. Yueming(岳明) Elementary School, in rural Yilan, is a model for water conservation, thanking largely to the ecological pool on campus. (reference
Due to many natural disasters that have happened in Taiwan, the catastrophes damaged the school library which it took several years to build. As requested from PTA volunteer of the Yueming Elementary School, charity group of the Evergreen senior care adopted this poor elementary school library, and this library is also the only library of this poverty-filled town. Through the kindness of local volunteers, the school library has been re-opened. Now it is available throughout the day and also provides meals to children studying here. If live in the USA and also would like to make book donations, please contact us at".
If you live in the Taiwan area, please mail your donations to the school directly.
Volunteer English Teaching in TAIWAN
Project at a GlanceWhere: The Yueming Elementary School, Yilan, Taiwan
Hours: 70 hours per week (Mon. ~ Fri. are in classroom; Saturday and Sunday are trainning workshop)
Meals: The school will cover breakfast and lunch, volunteers take care of dinner by themselves
Living: At the school (dorms)
Dates : 7/10/2010 ~ 7/16/2010
Volunteer English teaching focuses on teaching conversational English to students. The Evergreen Senior Care presently works with public schools in Taiwan; all schools that need help are located in the rural and poor area and serve the needy kids. Non-native English speakers can also join this project
Certificate of Appreciation/Completion: The Yueming Elementary School and the Evergreen Senior Care will issue you a certification of appreciation, an accomplished and important addition for your professional resume once you complete the volunteer project
Safe Volunteer Placement: We will strive to place you in a safe humanitarian volunteer work placement. You will be able to do good deed for those most in need; thus, you will make this world a better place.
Volunteers should be high-school students or older and the overall grade should be no lower than a "B". However, volunteers should have enough knowledge of English to effectively teach the basics to students. Non-native speakers can join this project if they speak, read, and write in English. No salary or benefits will be offered in this project.
Volunteer's Responsibilities
In Taiwan, there is a growing demand for an English education. With the economic growth, learning English become a necessary tool for the needy in order to get out of the poverty they are currently in. Education is the most important resource that kids can help them to create a brighter future. Many of the schools in Taiwan are very eager to get native English teachers for teaching English. Unfortunately, only the private and high-tuition schools in the metropolitan areas are able to attract them. Therefore, as a volunteer English teacher, you will teach English at these poor and rural schools. It would be possible to arrange for free rooms, but these schools do not offer extra salaries/benefits like private schools will do.
The Yueming Elementary school will arrange a private room and provides two meals a day for each volunteer. The Head Master of your placement school will be your main contact.
Personal Finances
Participants are responsible for paying a round trip air travel to and from Taiwan, train tickets, accidental insurance and health insurance throughout the program, and any vaccinations they choose.
Waiver of Liability
Upon selection, all participants will be asked to submit a signed Waiver of Liability argeement with Evergreen Senior Care and The Yueming Elementary School, Yilan, Taiwan. Participants who do not submit a Waiver of Liability agreement by the June 1 dealline will be considered not qualified to participate in the 2010 summer service learning program.
The following is the Chinese Version 中文版
在一個很好的因緣的牽引下,義工 Ada T. 與校長夫人康貴菊女士在宜蘭縣
黃校長的用心,令大家非常感佩。 (source:

如果你居住在美國,家有好的英文書打算要捐出來,請通知我們 at ""。

若有中文圖書要捐,請從台灣逕洽該校。(請見左邊該校小朋友在接到第一批由台灣當地的義工所捐的中文圖書後,寫的圖文並茂的感謝函,實在很可愛。 )
我們在美國區的運作如下:由 Evergreen home care 名義收集大家捐來好的英文兒童讀物及有教育性的玩具。
然後,如果有義工回台灣洽公或旅遊時,在義工發揮大愛的意願下,免費幫該校將書載回台灣濟貧 (有心的義工都會事先告訴我他們何時會回台灣,讓我有機會準備書籍給他們,去年,我們花了十人次的行李,才把書運完)
在台灣台北或宜蘭地區,校長太太會親臨您家領取;若於其它台灣地區,我們鼓勵郵寄到學校,郵費部份,您可以選擇拿 evergreen home care 的捐贈收據在美抵稅,或將郵費收據給我,我會付您台幣現金。
Year 2009, 我們手上全有的英文書已經透過所有義工的善心,已全部捐達該校的圖書館 。(請見隨文附上的校長謝函。)
在 2010 年, 該校的學童英語學習動機與成就普遍不足,我們與學校正在計劃進行第一梯的英語夏令營。計劃由美國大學及高中生成立的義工團,今年七月將初聲試啼以自助的方式與該校一起來進行一個不可能的任務--一個文武兼備的英語夏令營,該校校長期讓孩子必須使用英語來參與各項活動(生態 帆船 烹飪 生活 遊戲等) ,我們很期待第一次的成果,未來將陸續分享給您。
~~~~ 來自岳明國小校長黃建榮的謝函您好!
1. 幫其代繳簿本費、註冊費。
2. 幫其代繳營養午餐費。
3. 幫其購買早餐、文具用品、書籍、字典、鞋子、衣物等。
岳明國小學生家長會梁智雄 局號:0111209
校長 黃建榮敬上
宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮岳明國小介紹 [聯合報╱記者王燕華╱宜蘭報導】
學校推行節能省碳3年來,每月平均可省下1千元水費、3800元電費,以及2.5桶的20公斤桶裝瓦斯,每月累積省下5萬9225元的水電和瓦斯費。 如果換算成排碳量,省下來的水約等於211公斤的二氧化碳,省下來的電共高達1萬7千多公斤的二氧化碳;使用太陽能熱水器取代瓦斯熱水器後,則相當於節省了160公斤的二氧化碳。
岳明國小獲選為教育部的示範學校,黃建榮說更重要的是讓學生也能學習到節能減碳的重要,學校已規劃相關課程,將節能減碳融入課程中。 【2009/12/15 聯合報】
大愛新聞DaAiTV-專題報導-拯救地球-台灣溼地篇(四) -宜蘭岳明國小
全球暖化帶來的氣候異常變化,讓人們重新省思人與環境的關係,宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮的岳明國小,這是一所迷你國小,每年級的學生大約只有十個人,卻因為實施節能減碳及推廣永續循環教育。該校有一座名為『時空部落』的秘密基地,基地的建材是用工廠的廢木材建造的,學生們在手工打造的土窯裡烤披薩,在小農菜園學習有機無毒的耕種方式, 同學們不但用牛糞做肥料、以回收雨水澆灌菜苗,用不傷害環境的方式讓資源循環再利用。 學校利用屋頂將生活中最重要的吃、喝、拉、撒設計成一個循環系統,既能因應生活需求,又不造成環境負擔,是聯合國教科文組織推薦的「培育永續發展教育師資示範案例」。關心環境關心地球的你,千萬不可錯過喔!