Year 2014 | |
Year 2013 | |
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Hello All,
In the past few years, all volunteers who involved in the charity cases are "100% volunteered" – meaning that not one cent goes to as the administration fees. All gas money are coming out from volunteers' own pockets.
On the year 2010, we're planning to support the following groups: (Thank you letters)
- Daughters of Charity, Providence Hospital in DC
- The Booth House (a family shelter in Baltimore, MD)
- The Salvation Army Feedmore mobile program (CHILDREN on the street)
- St. Joseph School, Martinsburg, WV
If you would like to support our charity activities, the checks can be written to the Evergreen Senior Care and sent to our new address: 1921 Birch Road, McLean, VA 22101.
For more details for all charity activities, please see :
In addition, I have 3 things to share with you:

1) One of our main goals, through the volunteering works, is to encourage people to reuse all items, such as recycled papers, used clothes, shoes in good conditions, and so on. Our recycled papers were used to help the local churches and school in poverty to reduce expense of life and also helping to protect our environment. Sr. Ann Adele Kelly of the Daughters of Charity in Emmitsburg, Maryland wrote a Thank-You note which is attached. (the picture is right)
2) The president of the Evergreen Senior Care, Mr. Myles Nienstadt who is also a full time volunteer, spent 3 years writing proposal for requesting special care for adult day care. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, the Fairfax County approved the joint grant proposal submitted in December 2009 by the Evergreen Senior Care and the Central Senior Center. The grant allows them to provide adult day care in Western Fairfax for the upcoming two years - up to 24 seniors of all backgrounds in the first year and 40 in the second year. This is a BIG step. Hopefully by this fall, the Evergreen Senior Care will work out a new adult day care center in Centreville that the Central Senior Center (Korean) and the Evergreen (Chinese) will be collaborating to open and operate.
3) Volunteer English Teaching in Taiwan, activity details, please see here.
Thanks for your support.
· Daughters of Charity, Providence Hospital in DC (低收入戶家庭)
· The Booth House (位於巴爾地摩的家庭緊急避戶所)
· The Salvation Army Feedmore mobile program (巴爾地摩街上的落難兒)
· The National Center for Children and Families (協助救助高風險家庭的孩童)
· St. Joseph School, Martinsburg, WV (西維吉尼亞州的低收入戶學生)
如果您想贊助我們的慈善活動,請歡迎將支票開立給 "Evergreen Senior Care", 同時寄往 1921 Birch Road, McLean, VA 22101. 謝謝 !
所有我們協助的國內外慈善活動,詳情及支出請見 :
1) 為提倡環保,義工們花很多時間收集舊衣物及可以重使用的物品及紙張,提供給負擔不起這些日常生活費用的低收入物盡其用.
由於我們長期收集並提供給偏遠地區的 recycle paper,讓位於偏遠地的學校的學生有多餘的金錢可以糊口,仁愛修女會的修女 Ann Adele Kelly 特別寫了封感謝信給大家,謝謝大家的用心.謝函請見附圖.
2) 長青老人中心的會長 Mr. Myles Nienstadt 自費並花了三年的時間做研究,寫計劃書跟縣政府提案以長青老人中心的名義來協助維州費郡耆老們也能在費郡的老人中心裏享有中文環境的老人休閒中活動.
在上個月,維州費郡政府終於首肯該項計劃,希望從今年秋天,北維州的耆老們就可以在 Centreville, VA 的韓國教會裏,享受中文服務及餐點,耆老們不必再耽心英文聽不懂的困擾了. Mr. Myles Nienstadt 是該項計劃的最大功臣!
3) 美籍青少年暑假回台灣義務教授英文的計劃已出爐,歡迎有興趣的義工,踴躍報名,詳情請見此頁