
Typhoon Morakot: follow-up

2011年2月24日星期四 (reference: http://menglin1022.blogspot.com/2011/02/99.html)
已故老師捐款助學 泰武鄉99名學童受惠






屏東家扶扶幼主委邱吉興/陳淑蘭分區主委/許月圓副主委夫人及傅敏峯主任、邱霄鳳老師等與會來賓,一起將病逝的洪麗珠老師的愛心種在花盆,象徵在今天99位獲得獎助學金的學童的心中種下希望,未來可以一起將愛傳播出去,永留人間(屏東家扶中心 提供)

On Year 2009

八八水災發生的第一時間,身在美東的我們只能隔著電視關心災情,但在不同時空的同一時間,Peggy Chen 的同學 Miss. X 已駕著她四輪傳動的車子,前進災區。

Miss. X是十年前 921地震的受災戶,她深知災民的痛及需求,立即放下手邊的工作,前進災區回饋當初陌生人給她的援助及溫暖。當她從六龜育幼院回來後,在前往阿里山災區前,分享了災區現狀給我們的義工 Peggy Chen,而後,才會有我們發起募款及後來的這些關懷失親兒的個案。


當我們隨著Miss. X 的救災腳步後,我們發現台灣處處是溫情。當義工 Vivian Wu 接觸廠商們表明購物意願之際,廠商立即全都變成了慷慨的捐贈者,也因為如此事件不斷地發生,造成我們的台幣15萬一直留在手上。

後來,由於 Miss X 的掏心建議,我們已從對八八水災災民的救急金,轉變成因八八水災而變成失親兒的孤兒們的長期照顧。希望我們的即時相助,這些已站在懸崖邊的孩子們可以再度看到人生的亮光。

在過去一個月,為了找尋這些失親兒,我幾近每天與義工 Peggy 在國際電話線上,由於我們人全在美東,在台灣的Peggy 有三個小小孩在身邊,這種環境因素實在困著了我們的救災,就在此時,上天聽到了我們的心聲,瓊瓶師姐即時貢獻了她的哥哥李居士,Angela Huang 貢獻了黃伯母,林妙玲貢獻了她所有在高雄的親人幫我們協尋及照顧八八水災的失親兒。我們依舊在尋找住在嘉義的朋友,可以做我們的義工來幫助這些失親兒


目前在 Exxon Mobil Corporation 工作的 Mr. Timmy Yee,已經透過公司的 charity matching program 正式加入我們,一起來協助失親兒走出失親陰霾,及勇敢自信地面對未來。如果您有興趣加入我們一起來兌現這個承諾, 請寄 email 到 EvergreenSeniorCare@gmail.com

Case 6~17: 高雄縣大寮鄉中庄國小(高雄縣大寮鄉中庄村中庄路59號)

(click on picture, you can see larger picture)
<1>李x政:$1337, 該生為單親暨低收入戶,生活困難。
<2>鍾x融:$1337, 該生父母為臨時工,工作不固定,家境困難。
<3>薛x妤:$1270, 該生單親,母扶養三子女,生活困苦。
<4>陳x晴:$1433, 媽媽出走,祖母罹癌,父親收入微薄,家境清寒。
<5>陳x致: $1448, 父母打零工,經濟負擔重。
<6>洪x凱: $1448, 該生單親,父需撫養三個小孩,經濟困難。
<7>潘x吉: $2124,該生父親精神狀況不穩,長期失業,經濟困難。
<8>塗x宇:$3262, 該生為高風險家庭。
<9>林x勝: $1448,父母離異,爸爸沒有工作,經濟困難。
<10>黃x曄: $1448,爸爸長期失業,母親獨自扶養四子,經濟困難。
合計$16,555 NT

Case 3 ~5: 那瑪夏鄉,原稱三民鄉,位於台灣南部,高雄縣東北方之山嶽地帶。該鄉地處玉山山脈之上,地勢高聳崎嶇,該鄉為高雄縣三個原住民鄉鎮之一,鄉內居民以台灣原住民族布農族為主,鄒族及排灣族次之。


Detail story, please see http://www.eden.org.tw/news_detail.php?bulletin=1&b_id=472

(click on picture, you can see larger picture)

Case 2: 由於李居士的先行作業敏捷,省了不少我們在找孫同學的時間,也謝謝林窗良伯伯及林伯母陳秀玉女士花了很多時間且自費親臨路竹高中與孫同學面談。面談後的報告請
Note 2

基本資料: 高雄縣路竹鄉縣立路竹高中 -- 孫○○

Note 1: 由於事先溝通有誤,所以路竹高中的收據捐款人將會修正成為 "Evergreen Home care"。等到我們收到修正的收據後,我們會再度 post。

Note 2: 下文為來自林窗良伯伯的報告
有關路竹高中 3 年級孫xx同學之救助行動, 已於本(9)月23日上午完成.
此行知悉該生在學中平日自理起居, 尚能克勤克勞, 人際簡明, 胼手胼足,未聞累苦.
乍見其健康, 精神尚屬正常狀態, 其次在該校資料顯示, 尚有類似孫同學之個案, 現正深入確認中.
該活動照片, 因使用傻瓜相機拍攝, 俟沖洗後一併將照片連同相關收據寄上. 耑此布達.
lian0318 手啟

Note 3: 由於孫同學在年滿十八歲後,立即面臨進入社會求生存的壓力。我們會與她保持連絡。如果您有更好建言,歡迎貢獻。

Case 1:

我們透過口足畫家楊恩典小姐在網上的求助信函及媒體的報導,於八月中旬與六龜育幼院取得連繫,義工 Peggy Chen 花了許多時間找到六龜育幼院的連絡人,經來回溝通與連絡,知悉育幼院院童需要鞋子,在 8/30我們收到來自育幼院的細項信函後, 透過台北的義工Vivian Wu 小姐與台灣愛迪達(adidas)取得連繫,當我們表明我們想買 84 雙球鞋給災區育幼院後,台灣愛迪達(adidas)即刻允諾捐贈59 pairs 的意願。為了成全企業家的美意,我們只有贊助 25 雙新鞋在這個項目上。


donation update (8/27):
Taiwan 捐款共有 $15,583 NT
Rex Chen family(TAIWAN):$ NT (TAIWAN local receipt)
Wu family (TAIWAN): NT (TAIWAN local receipt)
以下捐款共有 $134,417 NT
Indtai Inc. (Sterling, VA) $250 US (check received)
Quach family(Arlington, VA): $537.15 US (check received)
Tsai family(McLean, VA): $200 US (check received)
Tasy & Hsu family (Fairfax, VA): $50 US (check received)
Byles family(Rockville, MD): $200 US (check received)
Tseng family(McLean, VA): $534.14 US (check received)
Roche family(Bethesda, MD): $100 US (check received)
Cowen family(Vienna, VA): $50 US (check received)
Yee family(Derwood, MD): $100 US (check received)
Chang family (Derwood, MD): $100 US (check received)
Jennifer Ho(NC): $20 US (check received)
Lau family (Vienna, VA): $100 US (check received)
Wu&Lee family (New Jersey): $200 US (check received)
Chen & Lin family : $300 US (check received)
TTW Solution, Inc : $400 US (check received)
JJWinner company(New Jersey) : $1000 US (check received)



source: shared email from Shannon Lin

演講紀錄 : 蕭文成 Study












Community FoodBank

We are very grateful for your interest in volunteering with the Community FoodBank of DC Area. Without the assistance and support of volunteers like you we would not be able to address the hunger problems faced in DC Area. Your time, effort and hard work mean a great deal to the families who struggle to put food on the table each week.

Hans Buhrer 先生是每個月,固定為我們運送食物到華府郊區食物銀行的主要義工. The Seton Center是位於華府郊區的一個非營利組織,該區域大部份家庭的平均收入是在美國低收入戶的標準之下,該組織為該區民眾提供長期醫療,工作,學校及食物上的幫助.而我們只是微盡棉薄之力,長期協助該單位的食物銀行.
Mr. Hans Buhrer is one of our volunteers deliver foods to the Seton Center in Emmitsburg, MD monthly.
The Seton Center, Inc., is a nonprofit agency located in Emmitsburg, MD, that provides services for people in need, primarily in northern Frederick County. Many of the families they serve are working people living at or below the poverty level. Other medical services are provided within the framework of the core values of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul .

If you're interested to donate canned foods to this program, please contact Mrs. Mei-ling Flanders.

Sr. Mary of Seton Center, Emmistburg, MD


Christmas holiday

歡迎您參觀我們 2008年的活動照片.

Please click on pictures to see details for YEAR 2008.

聖誕節季節是提醒大家感恩上蒼及回饋社區的季節.很多人會在這充滿感恩的氣氛裏,依自己的能力來提供食物,禦寒衣物及小孩玩具等分享給需要被幫助的人.讓每個人對未來都充滿希望及讓愛不斷地循環下去.The christmas season is a good time to start thinking about helping other people. This includes providing food, clothing and toys for families to enable them to experience the joy of the Christmas Season. Giving warmth, love and hope. That's what Christmas should be all about. A time to share our good fortune with our neighbours in need across the world.
We teamed with local organisations to help needy together. We are pleased to provide you with a list of christmas related chairty programs and humanitarian organisations. Some small, some big. But all good.

Thanksgiving Holiday

Thanksgiving is a time of year when many people choose to give back to their community and donate to charitable causes. Because traditional Thanksgiving celebrations involve large family feasts, many charities that are popular around the holiday season are those that gather donated food for low-income families who cannot afford a Thanksgiving dinner. Additional charitable options include donating time by working in a soup kitchen, or simply donating money to a charity.

YEAR 2014

YEAR 2013

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2011
You’ll find our Teenagers volunteers filling Thanksgiving baskets with turkey and all the trimmings, wrapping gifts for families in need, and delivery it to families in need.

YEAR 2010

YEAR 2009

click here to see Year 2009 Thank you letters and shopping receipts of Food baskets for needy

YEAR 2008

click on the picture to see Year 2008 all activities for Thanksgiving food baskets project
Evergreen home care (provided Turkeys) to team with TZU CHI charity group (provided Canned vegetables) work together to help needy.

YEAR 2007

click on the pictures to see Year 2007 Food baskets for needy activity

YEAR 2005

----- Forwarded by Herbert Frazier/MWV/USS/SArmy on 11/03/2005 08:09 PM

Hello Everyone: It has been brought to my attention that I missed a few
details, concernig our menu and specific needs for our Thanksgiving Dinner;

Our Goal Is To Prepare and Serve No Less Than 700 Meals; 300 meals served
to the homeless and needy from our mobile canteen and 400 meals served at
senior citizens apartment residents.

*It has been estimated that we will need at least 30-40 turkeys to feed 700
people (15-20 plates per turkey).

*Our MENU is tender mouth watering Turkey, delicious Macoroni & Cheese,
juicy Green Beans/Corn, Stuffing with Cranberry Sauce (jelled), a warm
Dinner Roll and Sweet Potatoe Pie, Soda (coke, etc.) and a Goody Bag of
mixed candy.

*It is a good idea for us (Captain Frazier) to purchase the items (Cheese,
pies, sodas, etc.) from Sam's Club and present the receipt to whom it may
concern, at a later date.

*The vegetables that we are using are canned and already purchased (on
hand/in stock).

*We will need 30-35 volunteers to help prepare plates, cut pies, load the
vehicles, stuff the goody bags, make sandwiches, maintain a clean work
space, serve meals from the mobile canteen.

*It Is Our Goal To Start at 9 a.m. and "cut the lights off" by 2 p.m. We
want our volunteers to spend time with there family on this holiday.
Currently we have 20 volunteers, but we need at least 10 (ten) more.

This is going to be the best Thanksgiving day ever! On last year, we
prepared and served 388 dinners to the homeless and needy. We have a
unique program, primarily because we serve meals outside the walls of our
facility to people who would otherwise go without, due to logistical or
personal reasons.

I Can't Hardly Wait; It's Going To Be A Great Day!



Typhoon Morakot

more pictures from The boston blobe...


當我進入偏遠山區及村落,我才注意到,大部份非官方的孤兒院都是教會主辦,且常年以來,孤兒院的食宿都非常簡樸.而附近的在地居民與十字架及教會的感情,很濃.比起我在當地喝的咖啡還濃,而且在山裏,空氣真是 "新鮮又帶點甜味"的呢,心情上真是輕鬆 ......

令人感動的事,當災難發生時,電視上看到的都是佛教慈濟人,搶進災區送救濟品 (有一種用礦泉水就能泡的飯,既乾淨又實際, 建議大家有機會試試 :)), 看到這一幕幕患難見真情的景像,在美國慈濟尚未發動捐款的同時,大家不就一群群開始就利用各種方法捐錢給慈濟.

錢捐那裏都一樣,只要用在該用的地方,有需要的人即時受惠,錢到那個宗教, 你還計較嗎?!

Dear my friends,
We only provided my service for the needy/charity.
Our friend Ying-ming is a Christian, and her sister (Fuang-min Huang) currently lives in Taiwan . Her church(
安樂聖教會: http://blog.sina.com.tw/peacefuljoy/) are members who helped the flood victims of 8/8/09 . They are planning to collect money to purchase flashlights, batteries, medicine, daily commodities, and food. If you would like to make a donation please let me know ASAP so that I can tell Mrs. Peggy Chen how many and what items we will contribute. (Rex & Peggy Chen are representing the charity for us in TAIWAN )

Everyone who donates something will receive a donation receipt issued by the Evergreen Home Care Inc., USA. The donation recipients will also sign the donation acknowledgement form, so that we can post them on web site for everyone to view.

我們只做 charity 的事.
我們的好友英敏是位基督徒,她妹妹黃芳敏住在台灣,她的教會(安樂聖教會: http://blog.sina.com.tw/peacefuljoy/) 的弟兄姐妹們將前進災區去做義工,協助災民. 他們正在募資購買所需物品:手電筒、日用品、泡麵、乾糧、藥品、米…等前進災區.
如果您想盡點棉薄之力,請告訴我們.珮玲(佩玲是我們在台灣做慈善的執行人)會盡快讓他們知道我們總共可以認購多少項目. 你們所有的捐款項目,都可以收到 Evergreen Home care 的捐款收據.
而所有領到您們愛心的人,都會簽簽收單,屆時,我們會 post 在網頁上,讓大家都看得的.

誰說台灣沒有愛? 請看看下列這些來自全台灣四面八方的志工,一起相邀到林邊鄉做義工.很感人 !!

資料來源:網路謝國榮的 PowerPoint



  • 宜蘭縣私立神愛兒童之家地址:269宜蘭縣冬山鄉得安村得安路23號
    電話:03-9514652 傳真:03-9510191

  • 私立財團法人幸夫愛兒園地址:269宜蘭縣冬山鄉柯林路16~6號

  • 財團法人佛教私立禪光育幼院地址:971花蓮縣新城鄉新城村13鄰仁愛路17之2號

  • (受災戶)財團法人台東縣私立阿尼色弗兒童之家地址:954台東縣卑南鄉賓朗村賓朗路二六○號

  • 財團法人天主教會花蓮教區附設救星教養院 院址:950台東市山西路一段207-1號    
    電話:089-359060‧359284 傳真:089-323042
    劃撥帳號:06640829 戶名:天主教救星教養院

  • 金門縣大同之家育幼組地址:893金門縣金城鎮民權路173號
    電話:0823-25053 傳真:0823-23260


  • 財團法人嘉義市私立修緣育幼院地址:600嘉義市永春二街30號

  • 台南市立仁愛之家附設育幼所地址:709台南市長和街二段36號

  • 財團法人台灣省私立台南仁愛之家附設育幼所地址:710台南縣永康市仁愛街5巷9號

  • 天宮育幼院地址:718台南縣關廟鄉下湖村下湖1-36號

  • 內政部南區兒童之家地址:813高雄市左營區新庄仔路48號

  • 高雄市私立紅十字育幼中心(另設有高雄縣分部)地址:804高雄市鼓山區登山街28號

  • 財團法人高雄市私立佛教淨覺育幼院地址:807高雄市三民區正忠路453號

  • 聯勤國軍第二育幼院地址:830高雄縣鳳山市王生明路1號

  • 財團法人高雄縣私立大慈育幼院地址:840高雄縣大樹鄉興田村153號

  • (災區) 財團法人高雄縣私立基督教山地育幼院地址:844高雄縣六龜鄉興龍村東溪山莊1號
    電話:07-6891054傳真:07-6893558 郵政劃撥:00423013 戶名 : 山地育幼院

  • 財團法人屏東縣私立基督教信望愛育幼院地址:905屏東縣里港鄉土庫村東榮巷30~6號

  • 財團法人台灣省屏東縣南州鄉精明寶宮附設屏東縣私立精忠育幼院地址:926屏東縣南州鄉米崙村精明路51號

donation update (8/27):
Indtai Inc. (Sterling, VA) $250 US (check received)
Quach family(Arlington, VA): $537.15 US (check received)
Tsai family(McLean, VA): $200 US (check received)
Tasy & Hsu family (Fairfax, VA): $50 US (check received)
Byles family(Rockville, MD): $200 US (check received)
Tseng family(McLean, VA): $534.14 US (check received)
Rex Chen family(TAIWAN):$ NT (TAIWAN local receipt)
Wu family (TAIWAN): NT (TAIWAN local receipt)
Roche family(Bethesda, MD): $100 US (check received)
Cowen family(Vienna, VA): $50 US (check received)
Yee family(Derwood, MD): $100 US (check received)
Chang family (Derwood, MD): $100 US (check received)
Jennifer Ho(NC): $20 US (check received)
Lau family (Vienna, VA): $100 US (check received)
Wu&Lee family (New Jersey): $200 US (check received)
Chen & Lin family : $300 US (check received)
TTW Solution, Inc : $400 US (check received)
JJWinner company(New Jersey) : $1000 US (check received)

2009 Back-to-school project

Back-to-school history pictures:

Please click on the pictures to see Year 2007 back-to-school pictures

Please click on the pictuires to see Year 2008 back-to-school pictures

YEAR 2009 (2009年活動)
Dear Friends,
Time is really flying fast. It is almost one year ago that we were busy in selling the moon cakes for the 2009 back-to-school project fundraising…and we had made $506 in proceeds. Remember that?

We also helped the lady who lives in N. VA by selling the pears back in April. (To learn the full story). We had put away $400 as a reserved fund in case she needs it. The good news is that she has found a job and does not need the money after all. In return to everyone’s help, she donated the money toward the 2009 Back-to-School project also.

With these two funding sources, plus we also had a few dollars left over from previous donation, that gave us a total amount of $912.33 for the Back-to-School project this year.

Below is the summary report of the 2009 Back-to-School project:
This year we have worked with four charity organizations in DC, Baltimore MD, and Bethesda MD area and helped more than 100 students. Some of them are from the low-income families, some are living in the shelters, and some are homeless. All money is spent on the school supplies solely. Volunteers came together to give their time and gasoline for their car for purchasing, sorting, packaging and delivering these items to various locations. Whenever there are shortage in some items, volunteers donate willingly. For the details of school supplies purchased, receipts, pictures and donations, you can find them below.

記得去年九月初我們為 2009 back-to-school project義賣的月餅嗎?當初我們賺了 $506 US.同時,在今年四月份的義賣水梨(故事的原委請見網頁),原先接受大家幫助的人,受到大家人飢己飢,人溺己溺無私奉獻的感召,在她找到工作後,將當初所剩的$400US,也捐出來做為2009 back-to-school 的基金.
再加上之前其它慈善活動所剩下的錢,本年度的 back-to-school的總基金是$912.33
今年我們一共與四個慈善單位合作,這四個慈善單位來自DC, Baltimore, MD and Bethsda, MD,這些文具幫助一百多位的學童,他們分別是來自DC低收入戶的家庭,有些住在僻護所,及一些流浪在街上的孩子們.所有協助採買及運送到各單位的義工的油錢及時間都是義工自行吸收, 依照我們大家當初的協定, $912.33 全數花在文具上面.當然,還有不足的部份,全由其它義工慷慨解囊.

We spent $912.33 to buy the following items for Daughters of Charity, Providence Hospital in DC, The Salvation Army Booth House, the feeding meals program of the salvation army and The National Center for Children and Families
Backpacks : 65
scissors : 50
pencil box : 50
24 colors crayon : 50
12 colors colored pencils : 50
compass : 50
binder pouch : 50
4 oz washable school glue : 46
composition notebook : 107
150 pages notebook filler paper : 72
Pens : 660
pencils : 592
paper folder : 125
glue sticks-0.21oz : 41
eraser : 90
High-lighter : 84
16.3 oz skippy peanut butter : 8
26 oz Ragu spaghetti sauce : 12
16.5 oz hellmann's mayonnaise : 4
8.7oz ~ 12oz Cereal : 18
7.25 oz Macaroni & Cheese Dinner : 16
cup noodle : 4

The following items donated from volunteers: (義工捐贈的項目)
one-subject 70-sheet wide rule note books : 48
pencils : 48
mechanical pencils - 0.7mm : 24
ball-point pens - blue/black : 24
eraser : 1
1 set of dry erase board markers (green & red)
4 oz washable school glue : 7
10-color crayola markers : 2
glue sticks-0.21oz : 21
rulers : 64
binder-2" : 29
binder-1.5" : 19
binder-1" : 23

for Daughters of Charity, Providence Hospital in DC:
new socks: 15 pairs
Women Panties (L~ XL) :74 packs (5~6 cnt.)
for Low-income school in TAIWAN:
used books in English: 27

Please click on the pictures to see details for shopping receipts and Thank you letters


Feeding Homeless in The Salvation Army Feedmore mobile

Thank you letters

Since 1987, The Salvation Army Feedmore mobile feeding unit has hit the streets nightly during the winter months to provide hot, healthy meals to Baltimore City's homeless and impoverished. Feedmore's uniqueness is that basic necessities are brought directly to those in need. The Feedmore "canteen", is in operation six nights a week and is staffed by caring volunteers from throughout The Greater Baltimore Area.

Our volunteers joined it since Year 2003.
In addition to meals, our volunteers also provide health care information, clothing items, warm blankets and toiletries to those in need.
Please go to Volunteer calendar to check Dates available.
Only 6 (max) per van per night, please indicate which night you would like on the rsvp.

Below are the directions and times that Feedmore runs at night.
Feedmore Van Schedule:
4:30 pm Volunteer meet at Salvation Army - warehouse (400 E. 29th St, Baltimore, MD 21211)
 to make 200 ~ 300 sandwiches for needy
5:00 pm go out with truck to serving foods on the street
7:00 pm Return to Shelter


Ronald McDonald House Charities


How we work with the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Washington, DC :
Many families travel far from home to get treatment for their seriously ill or injured children. The treatment may last a day, a month, or even longer. It's a long time to be away from home, or to divide a family. Ronald McDonald Houses around the world offer families a way to stay together, in proximity to the treatment hospital, and be comfortable and cared for during their stay.

After a long day at the hospital, there is nothing better than walking into Ronald McDonald House® to find a freshly cooked meal. While volunteering at McDonald House, we hear stories and see families endure a great deal of sorrow and pain. We see the families trying to stay positive and hopeful. We hear stories about parents quitting their jobs so they can provide the care their sick child need. We also hear stories about parents driving hundreds of miles so their child have a chance to survive. These stories touched our hearts and really made us become more grateful for our good health, our families and our lives.

On year 2013, we are more than happy to welcome more families to join us in distributing food to the needy. So far, we have 23 families who have made long-term commitments for this project. Monthly, every family contributes $50, we order food from a local restaurant (Oriental East Restaurant, silver spring, MD). The restaurant also helps by providing the food at a discounted price. On the first Sunday of each month, our volunteers go to the restaurant to pick up the food and then delivers the food and other donations (snacks, frozen dinners, cleaning supplies, household items...etc) to DC McDonald House. With that said, we're looking for more families to join us to keep this charitable project going. If you're interested in this meaningful chance and giving back to the community, please do contact us. We would be more than willing to provide you with more information as well as including you and your family in our monthly gatherings for this event.

If we can provide them with a hot meal at the end of a long and stressful day, we have done something to help ease their pain and sorrow. And maybe bring a little more hope for the future. Please contact us  if you're interested to join. Welcome Come with your friends, coworkers, family members or by yourself to make a meal for the families of RMHC.

 Thank you letter

PROFILE of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Washington, DC :
The House provides critical care and support to families and youth in the midst of healthcare crises.
Description: Ronald McDonald House Charities works to better the lives of children and their families in the greater Washington, DC area. The organization provides programming that directly improves the heath and well-being of children. The core programs are the two Houses - one in Falls Church and one in Washington, the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Children's National Medical Center and the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile in partnership with Georgetown University Hospital.
History: The Washington,DC Ronald McDonald House originated in the late 1970's when Carey Randall, then president of the metropolitan Washington, DC chapter of the Candlelighters, became interested in the RMH concept. With the active support of the Greater Washington Advertising Cooperative of the McDonald's Corporation, RMH was incorporated as a non-profit, volunteer organization in 1978 and the project was launched. After extensive renovation, the 30-room, 16 bedroom house at 1326 Quincy St, NE, was opened in June of 1980. The turn of the century Spanish colonial style mansion is located on one and a half acres in a quiet, residential neighborhood in northeast Washington not far from Children's national Medical Center. The Washington RMH was the sixteenth House to open nationwide. A new wing was opened in May, 1987, providing increased living and office space as well as additional rooms for families. In December 1995, RMH merged with Ronald McDonald House Charities to become Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Washington, DC, Inc. The mission expanded to include the disbursement of grants to other qualified children's charities in our geographic region. Funding for the Grants Program is made possible by the efforts of McDonald's promotions. In May 1998, the Ronald McDonald House Family Room opened in Children's National Medical Center. The room offers respite to families with children undergoing treatment on the hematology/oncology unit. In January 1998, the new Northern Virginia RMH at INOVA Fairfax Hospital became a reality. The eight bedroom facility with common living areas stands in wonderful tribute to dedicated community involvement. In January, 2004, RMHC partnered with Georgetown University Hospital and RMHC's national program to acquire and staff a Care Mobile which serves children in Wards 5 and 6 in Washington DC.
the Washington, D.C. Ronald McDonald House:(http://rmhc.greaterdc.org/our-programs/dc-house-2/)3727 14th St. NE Washington, D.C. 20017 202-529-8204
The new Washington, D.C. Ronald McDonald House opened its doors in December 2010 and serves patients from Children’s National Medical Center, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, National Rehabilitation Hospital and several other area hospitals.  The 26-bedrooms House includes common family and support areas, a family kitchen and dining room, a family library and computer room, a family laundry room.   Our newest Home-Away-From-Home also offers special isolation suites for our most immune-compromised patients.  Ronald McDonald Houses are supported by volunteers and staff, but more importantly, the Houses continue to be a quiet refuge where families in similar circumstances can support and comfort each other.



Method 1 : 酒精和水以3∶1的比例調成75%左右的濃度,然後加入2%左右的甘油,或者到市場上買瓶潤膚乳液作為添加劑也可以(它的主要成分就有甘油)。

Method 2 :文獻記載,所有精油中以茶樹精油殺菌效果最好,90%的濾過***毒會因此被殺死,而藥用酒精部分,試過的濃度也以70%最具殺菌效果,「90%或60%效果都沒有70%好用」,將這兩種殺菌效果最佳的產品結合在一起,再加上高分子凝固劑變成洗手液,用了之後不用洗掉,效果可維持8小時。
  2.卡波樹脂 (Carbopol 水溶性高分子膠)
  1.先將膠溶解:將卡波樹脂 1公克 逐次加入100毫升水中,攪拌至溶液成均勻的膠狀即可(約2小時)。
  2.取上述配好的膠溶液30公克及茶樹精油2公克,放入裝有 68公克的藥用酒精燒杯(非燒杯也可以,只要是不會漏水的容器就可以)中,並攪拌均勻至透明狀。(大約可製成100毫升的潔手露)。
  3.逐滴加入三乙醇胺(純度為 99% ),並將透明液調成中性(利用ph試紙測試)。


A heart-warming truth of story for "Pears for sale"

** "Chinese character Image" version was attached if you cannot read in English version.

Chinese page 1
Chinese page 2

Hello All,
Often times, we were sadden by the stories and news of people who ended their lives and wondered why they did not seek for help. Maybe if we could be a little more thoughtful and understanding of the people around us and to care about our friends and neighbors…

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your generosity and compassion. We sold 127 boxes of Asian pears with the help from more than 100 families. Most people told me that the pears are a little wrinkly, but they taste really good. The truth is that the pears were supposed to become the fertilizer for this year's new pears. With everyone's help, we were able to turn trash into gold and help many people in the process.

I would like to share a store about this and hope you’ll find that is heart-warming.
The story started with a very kind art teacher (let’s call her Ms. Goodheart) who knows a very hard-working girl. This girl and her family came from China and they actually now live and work in the orchard for years. The girl has been taking classes at the near-by college after she had some money saved up. She wants to earn a college degree so she can have a better life for her family and herself. Despite with all the saving and hard working, she still needs $500 to go back to school this year. Ms. Goodheart knew about this and wants to help her to return to school. So, Ms. Goodheart bought a lot of pears from the girl and gave them to friends and neighbors, and she helps the girl to sell.

At the same time, a Northern Virginia family lost their house last summer. The mother, who earned the major portion of the household income, lost her job at the beginning of this year. The company she worked for filed bankruptcy and closed the door without any warning. The family not only faced immediate financial difficulties, they also lost the medical insurance. The mother has a chronic disorder that needs long term medical care.

With all the unfortunate events happening one after the other, you can imagine the stress she is under. She applied for low-income financial, medical and housing aid from the county. All the paper work and interviewing with the social worker was nerve wrecking. The biggest fear is that she had no idea how she can take care of her children. With all the stress, her health condition has worsened. After months of struggle, she was frustrated and felt helpless. I have learned that she was in a very difficult situation for a while, but I was still very shocked when she told me she wanted to just give up completely. After talking to her for sometimes, she finally opened up and tried to seek additional help. She decided to try again, if not for herself but at least for her two young children and they deserved a chance to live.
With your helps, the hard-working girl, the struggling mother and the soon-to-be-fertilizer Asian pear created a touching story. Here is the outcome of everyone's hard work:

We sold a total of 127 boxes of pears. The girl was supposed to receive $8 for each box sold, which came to $1016 for her share of work. She is a very honest and sensible person. She said she only needed to earn $500, so she only accepted $635 and donated $381 to charity to help others who are in need. Wow! What an admirable thing to do for a 20-year old girl.
The Northern Virginia family was supposed to get $812 (the number is not exactly matched with the number of boxes sold, since many people paid more than $12 for a box of pear). The hard-working girl and the struggling mother met during the delivery of the Asian pears. The mother is very impressed and encouraged by the young girl, who is so positive and enthusiastic. She pulled out $300 from the money I passed onto her and told me "Please thank everyone for me for their helps. I will work hard to get through this. Please use this money to help other people who need it more than me."
Something else good happened - the mother told me that the social worker already delivered the food stamps to her house. Her children can receive free medical care and school lunches. Before she is able to move to the government-sponsored housing for low-income families, her landlord is willing to lower the rent. The worse for her is over. She was able to meet new people and make new friends through selling the pears. Not only she was able to sell some pears, people are helping her to edit her resume and finding a new job. She is grateful for everyone's help and glad that she didn't just "give up" and gave herself a second chance.

This is a happy ending in my book. We were able to help two families and it is wonderful to see them become independent and confident with their lives' outlook.
We now have $681 ($381 from the girl and $300 from the mother) to help others. Since the government is cutting budgets and families and individual cutting back on spending (and thus donations), the Booth house (family Emergency shelter) of Baltimore have some immediate needs for the following items:

baby items (bottles, cups, tissues, wipes, diapers, powder and so on);baby rash cream;tooth paste;tooth brushes;bath soaps;lotion, shampoo;white linens (wash clothes, towels, fitted sheets, twin size flat sheets, pillow cases). The linens need can be used or now, but they need to be white so they can be bleached.

We will put aside $400 until this summer, just in case the Northern Virginia family would need it. If they don't need it, we will use the money for the Back-To-School program. We will use the rest of the money to purchase the items listed above to help the families in the Booth house.

The donation receipts will be issued to Dr. Cheo M Jean by the Evergreen Home Care. Dr. Jean passed away on last Wednesday, 4/15, and was a volunteer doctor for free clinic for needy in the DC Area. He helped a lot of needy when he was alive. To pay our respect for what he’s done, I think this is the best way to say “good-bye” to the beloved Dr. Jean. By the way, if anyone is thinking about buying flowers for Dr. Cheo M Jean , Mrs. Jean asked that the money to be donated to either Doctors Without Borders, Medecins Sans Frontiers – MSF, http://www.msf.org/ or local shelter.

I hope you all enjoy the pears. If the pears don't look as pretty as the ones from the Korean stores, I hope you would not mind after reading the story. Thank you for your understanding and continuous support. With everyone's help, maybe we can prevent some tragedies from happening.
Thanks again

--ada :)

** English version provided by Carol Quach and Mei-ling Flanders

How we use $281?