
Christmas holiday

歡迎您參觀我們 2008年的活動照片.

Please click on pictures to see details for YEAR 2008.

聖誕節季節是提醒大家感恩上蒼及回饋社區的季節.很多人會在這充滿感恩的氣氛裏,依自己的能力來提供食物,禦寒衣物及小孩玩具等分享給需要被幫助的人.讓每個人對未來都充滿希望及讓愛不斷地循環下去.The christmas season is a good time to start thinking about helping other people. This includes providing food, clothing and toys for families to enable them to experience the joy of the Christmas Season. Giving warmth, love and hope. That's what Christmas should be all about. A time to share our good fortune with our neighbours in need across the world.
We teamed with local organisations to help needy together. We are pleased to provide you with a list of christmas related chairty programs and humanitarian organisations. Some small, some big. But all good.

