For 2018, all cases should be reported to Mrs. Carol Quach (evergreenseniorcare@gmail.com), the new head of emergency cases.

Year 2011 activities | Year 2012 activities | Year 2013 activities | Year 2014 activities| Year 2015 activities | Year 2016 activities | Year 2017 activities
2018 Thanksgiving food baskets for 100 families in need

Time: 10am -2pm
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- Second Story (11/17)
- Baltimore (11/18)
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10/20/2018 Donation drop for the Teen Shelter
Mondays and Tuesdays: 2:00 pm – 6:00 pmFridays: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Saturdays: 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Saturdays: 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Wish List
*Immediate Needs: Hygiene products (i.e. shaving cream, deodorant, body wash), food (i.e. canned good, non-perishables, taco shells, pasta sauce), shoes
Gift cards: In small amounts to grocery stores, Metro passes, or home goods stores such as Walmart, Target, or Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Food: Canned goods, fruit and vegetables, meat, snacks.
Supplies: Clothing (gently used or new), school supplies, cleaning supplies, hygiene products, office supplies, furniture (contact our Director of Resource Management at admin@second-story.org to inquire about furniture donations, please).
2018 Back-to-School Project for 96 children in need
8/29-Second Story Back to School Celebration 2018 | |
Packing Date: 8/11
Time: 10am -2pm
On 8/11, we had 11 student volunteers pack 96 backpacks with a variety of classroom supplies needed every school year. The supplies were generously donated by 17 kind individuals. (15 families, TTW solutions and Fu Chung Foundation)
Donation delivery to:
- Second Story (8/11)
- Baltimore (8/12)
June ~ July 2018:
2018 Back-to-School Project for 96 children in need
Mr. Kevin Cheng ran a "School Supply Drive"
The following was the list of suggested supplies:
- Paper: lined paper, copy paper, construction paper, spiral notebooks, composition books, index cards
- Pencils & Pens: blue or black pens, #2 pencils, colored pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, pencil case, colored markers, crayons, highlighters, dry-erase markers
- General Supplies: dry-erase boards, paper clips, 3-ring 2" binders, pocket folders, report covers
- Classroom Staples: stapler, staples, rulers, protractors, glue sticks, scissors, tape, calculator
- Things you can never have too much of: tissues, sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer
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Bushra is a half-blind 10-year-old girl living in rural Bangladesh. She was abandoned when she was born after it was discovered that she was half-blind. Bushra was graciously adopted by a single mother who works hard to support the two of them, but unfortunately they still live in poverty. All Bushra has ever wanted is to be able to go to school with the other children her age. So, this year we wanted to help Bushra achieve her yearning for education and prepared a backpack with all the general school supplies to send to her.
July 2018
FeedMore Food Truck Dinner Serving in Baltimore, MD
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Donation delivery to Second Story in Vienna, VA
January ~ June 2018
FeedMore Food Truck Dinner Serving in Baltimore, MD (see more here)
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Second Story (aka Alternative House) inVienna, VA![]()
Hello All,
Through the help from all of our volunteers, the money from the underwear sales plus some small cash and recycled items donations all contributed to the cause for people in need. It enabled us to not only help the local people but also to help the international orphans and children in need.
The effect of our "little steps", through sharing and giving, is enormous. We truly do make a difference in the society and hopefully everyone is keeping up with the good work.
If you have ever made a donation to charity groups, you might understand that not every institute is willing to take the time to write thank-you letters or to issue donation receipts to you. Often times they take a while to mail donation receipts to you.
Since we emphasized that we don't have overhead of any administrative expenses, all our volunteers who are involved in the charity cases are "100% volunteered" – meaning that not one cent goes to as the administration fees. All the gas money comes right out from our own pockets, and our financials are open and transparent in public. Our volunteers, as always, try their best to get the donation receipt(s) as soon as they receive the donations.
We would like to clarify one thing though: the Evergreen Senior Care does not do any fundraising for other charity groups but soley for itself. However, since we don't have an account for our charity fund, the fund is actually handled jointly by the Evergreen Senior Care CEO, board members, and one of our volunteers, Yarlin Ho. We post on the website regularly, keeping our readers updated on where all the donations go. Please go to the month abbreviation link above and click on the Month of Thank you letter to see details for the monthly activities. If you have questions, please email to Evergreen Senior Care, Inc. at evergreenseniorcare@gmail.com directly for verification.
The charity group of Evergreen Senior Care is in conjunction with the Salvation Army in Baltimore city, the Providence Hospital in DC, The Daughters of Charity Emmitsburg Province, Alternative House, Vienna VA,churches in D.C. area, the Rural Outreach and Immigration Services of Martinsburg, WV and the Victim Services Section of Fairfax County Police Department, to help people in need without charging the administration fee. For the past 10 years, our volunteer activities have included distributing food to the homeless, packing back-to-school supplies in backpacks for low income children, providing Thanksgiving meals to less fortunate families, and distributing over 2,000 stuffed animals to over 40 organizations and hospitals in the Washington metropolitan area.
Below explains how we do the charity work - Once we get a request from our contacts, volunteers will decide the budget of the project by determining the types of materials, supplies and quantity for the needy and planning on how much should be raised or how many items should be collected. Then, we actively work on the fundraising to meet the goal. We do not donate cash to any of these organizations, but when they are at need for goods or food, we try in all our ability to provide assistance as much as possible. We even, sometimes, followed them through the process as they distributed the donations to the people they support.
If you would like to support our charity activities, the checks can be written to the Evergreen Senior Care and sent to our new address: 1921 Birch Road, McLean, VA 22101. On the year 2011, the Evergreen Senior Care will be on the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) list of approved charities. For more details for all charity activities, please see : http://evergreenseniorcareva.blogspot.com/